EmPowering Industrial eCosystems to boost clustEr facilitated greeN and digiTal tRansition in Europe- EPICENTRE is a project funded by the Single Market Programme (SMP), call Joint Cluster Initiatives (Euroclusters) for Europe’s recovery, from the European Comission.
EPICENTRE project envisions to create new cross-sectoral/border value chains by establishing a SMEs – Clusters – Mid-Caps and Corporates in the following areas: ICT, Fintech, Health and Agri-food. It is a program of accompaniment, acceleration, validation, and transfer to the market innovative solutions between SMEs and Mid-Cap and Big Companies (corporates) in 2 calls.
1. To create new cross-sectoral value chains from Digital and Fintech to Health and Agri-food.
2. To deliver a strong combination of support instruments and tools for scaling up innovation, matchmaking and demonstrating innovative market-oriented applications developed by outstanding SMEs that respond to the challenge of a more digitized and green European Industry.
3. To select and engage 50 innovative concepts with high market and growth potential in a dynamic and challenging business support program aimed at facilitating the adoption of new processes and technologies by SMEs, and comprising 3-phases: LAUNCH-SUSTAIN-DRIVE.
4. To provide an end-to-end business support services program to support the SMEs.
5. To deliver a “Go International Programme” for EPICENTRE clusters.
6. To take a comprehensive strategy to effectively carry out communication and dissemination activities
Participating in EPICENTRE you will address a burning issue in your company with an innovative solution.
- Contact us : epicentre@clusterdigital.cat
- Interview
- Approach
- Open Call for Mid-Caps and Corporates
- Invitation to join
STARTING DATE: September 2022
DURATION: 36 months
TOTAL BUDGET: 1.400.000€
BUDGET PER SMEs: 1.050.000 €
AgriFoodX5.0 consortium partners meet in Malaga, Spain from 24th-25th of November for training session for 𝗰𝗹𝘂𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗴𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗺!
Agenda included following topics and the speakers:
Digital transformation: challenges and possibilities for clusters
Speaker: Gytis Junevičius, President of Lithuanian Clusters Association
Understanding Circular Economy in the Agri-Food Sector: Strategies, Innovations, Methods, Trends
Speaker: Karolina Kuzmarskyte, Expert at Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
Online meeting with Portugal Gold Label Cluster, discussion on Cauterization in the scope of the Boot Camp activities
Speaker: Vasco Lagarto, Director of TICE.pt – Information, Communication and Electronic Technologies Center
CREATIVE ECONOMY, “Co-design of cluster solutions”
Food Supply Chain Sustainability – Creating Shared Value. Sustainability: Concepts of Sustainability. Evolution. Where we stand; Global, European and national context; Creation of Shared Value
Speaker: Dr. Maria José Tropa, Expert on Agrifood Chains and Markets
Text prepared by and contact details
Anna Rozenfelde, +371 29918829, annarozenfelde@gmail.com
This document was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme
The content of this document represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA or any other body of the European Union the European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.
The EU EISMEA Project AgriFoodX5.0 had its official face to face 2-day partners meeting on June 7th-8th 2022 in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Event was hosted by Association cluster Alimentario de Galicia (Clusaga).
During the meeting days project partners went through all project packages and discussed results done so far and activities planned ahead including risks, challenges and activities overlapping between partners.
Second meeting day started with working breakfast with stakeholders from other clusters, tech centers, innovation support organisations. During 2 hours after round of introduction participants went through the common relevant topics in order to start the discussion, exchange experience and outline potential collaboration. After the open discussion networking part for direct conversations was open. Following participants attended breakfast with stakeholders:
- Clusaga, Spain
Ana Felgueiras; Noelia Dosil; Roberto Alonso
- Food Products Quality Cluster, Latvia
Anna Rozenfelde; Armands Lejas-Krumins
- LITMEA, Lithuania
Giedrius Bagusinskas; Laura Utryte
- InovCluster, Portugal
Sandra Pio; Susana Caio
- Lithuanian Innovation center, Lithuania
Tautvydas Pipiras; Vilma Akelaitiene; Inga Vyšniauskiene
- Feuga, Spain
Carmen Cotelo
Conchi Perez; Pablo Martinez Pavon
- Instituto Tecnologico de Galicia, Spain
Juan Sobreira
- Datalife (DIH), Spain
Lucia Castro Diaz
- Axencia Galega de Innovation, Spain
Patricia Fernandez Liz
- Consul Honorario de Lithuania
Rafael Jose de Espona
- Cluster TIC Galicia, Spain
Roberto Perez
During the AgriFoodX5.0 project following outcomes will be available for the direct and indirect beneficiaries.
- 0 partner members will have an access to new services (cluster service catalogue) related to following topics developed during the project:
- Growth and innovation potential;
- Value chain;
- Skill needs;
- Cross sectoral opportunities.
- Access to trainings for Project partners managers on following topics:
- Digital transformation;
- Creative economy;
- Sustainability;
- Circular economy.
- Share experience on ESCA labelling;
- Participating at C2C level workshops to share good practices of helping cluster organisations to team up at European level. 20 organisations will benefit from partnering counties;
- Participating knowledge sharing exchange workshop to increase knowledge about hackathons;
- Participation in hackathon solving agrifood and 5.0 industry challenges;
- Participation in 4 different matchmaking events hybrid type organised in Lithuania, Latvia, Spain and Portugal;
- Participate in exchanges and strategic partnering between clusters and specialized eco-systems across Europe through implementing “ClusterXchange” scheme.
Direct beneficiaries:
- Agriculture and Food Clusters and its coordinators/managers;
- SMEs (SMEs members of the partnerships and also other SMEs from other clusters related to the agri-food and ICT/digital solution sector);
- Other European agri-food and ICT digital solutions clusters members.
Indirect beneficiaries:
- Other European Clusters;
- Regional/national authorities and policy makers.
Duration of the project: 24 months (FEB 2022-MAR 2024)
Project ID – 101037927
For more information of the project please follow us on project social media platforms:
This document was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme
The content of this document represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA or any other body of the European Union The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.
The EU EISMEA Project AgriFoodX5.0 had its official 2-day kick-off on February 8th-9th 2022 with a hybrid – face to face and online event hosted by Project Coordinator Partner Lithuanian Innovation Center. The event agenda you can view by clicking here.
AgrifoodX5.0 is EU co-funded project that aims:
- To strengthen cluster management excellence
- To facilitate exchanges and strategic partnering between clusters and specialized eco-systems across Europe;
- To offer to the cluster’s SMEs and integrated program and services based on excellence to drive and catalyze industry 5.0 concept in the food sector;
- The specific objective of AgrifoodX 5.0 is to enhance the collaboration, networking and learning of clusters organizations and their members.
Project partners are representing 4 European countries and clusters:
- Association cluster Alimentario de Galicia (Clusaga)/Spain https://clustersgalicia.com;
- Associação do Cluster Agroindustrial do Centro (InovCluster)/ Portugal https://en.inovcluster.pt
- Food Products Quality Cluster (FPQC) /Latvia https://www.lpuf.lv;
- SMART Food Cluster (LITMEA)/ Lithuania https://www.litmea.lt
Duration of the project: 24 months (FEB 2022-MAR 2024)
Direct beneficiaries:
- Agriculture and Food Clusters and its coordinators/managers;
- SMEs (SMEs members of the partnerships and also other SMEs from other clusters related to the agri-food and ICT/digital solution sector);
- Other European agri-food and ICT digital solutions clusters members.
Indirect beneficiaries:
- Other European Clusters;
- Regional/national authorities and policy makers.
During kickoff event idea of the Project, introduction presentations of the background and involvement in work packages of the project of each partner was presented.
For more information of the project social media channels will be created. Please follow us on our social media channels and find out more interesting information that can be related to you. You are welcome to get in touch with us by email: annarozenfelde@gmail.com
AgriFoodX5.0 is a new interdisciplinary project that aims to strengthen cluster cooperation, improve cluster management capacities and facilitate the exchange of best practices and knowledge to strengthen cluster management capacities and ensure the highest quality services for cluster members. The international initiative aims to integrate Industry 5.0 values into the agri-food sector.
The Industry 5.0 values are: upskilling Europe’s workforce and digital skills, modern, resource-efficient and sustainable industry, the transition to a circular economy, globally competitive and leading industry, and accelerated investment in research and innovation.
Project partners:
- Lithuanian Innovation Centre (LT)
- Galician Association of Food Industry Clusters (ES)
- Central Portugal Association of Agricultural Industry Clusters (PT)
- Latvian Federation of Food Companies (LV)
- Lithuanian Association of Food Exporters (LT)
The project is acting under the COSME programme.
Project duration – 2022.02.01 – 2024.02.01 (24 months)
Total project budget: 651 473 Eur
Food Industry Value Chain International B2B Matchmaking
Aumenta is inviting you to join RIGA FOOD 2021 – VIRTUAL BUSINESS TO BUSINESS MEETINGS on September 8th-10th, 2021!
Event is a great opportunity to create new connections within the food production industry – manufacturers, service providers, and suppliers. Riga Food 2021 matchmaking is the platform that connects companies – so don’t miss out your chance to also learn about the latest trends in food industry and get insight of technical development and new products!
More information and registration here: https://riga-food-2021-virtual-business.b2match.io/
Riga Food 2021 virtual matchmaking is co-organised as part of the project AUMENTA X-Industry Internationalization Programme with international matchmaking activities.
The online event is organized under AUMENTA project which is co-funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme.
* The content of this article represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.
Introduction to the project AUMENTA target markets and their opportunities!
Aumenta webinars review.
One of the project AUMENTA aims is to augment business and cooperation opportunities with strategic partners in third countries beyond Europe and facilitate their integration into global value chains. To fulfil this aim, three online webinars were hold to increase the overall knowledge about the projects target countries – Georgia, Morocco, and Uruguay. Experts from these countries shared inside information about the local business characteristics and export opportunities in their country.
The first webinar “Georgia – market insights and opportunities for SMEs” took place on March 2nd. Giving the inside point of view, which is always the best source for useful information, was the Gateway & Partners managing partner M.Tiknuss and Gateway & Partners Georgia CEO Gvantsa Meladze. In the webinar methodologies on how to do the business with Georgians were explained, as well emphasis was put on food retail and trade overview, and ICT industry trends in the country.
“Georgia business culture is becoming closer to the European, even in Georgia they do not switch to the summertime in order to be closer to European working hours. Business relations sometimes stay informal and trust-based, mostly face-to-face meetings are preferred, but this is changing due to pandemic situation.” – Gvantsa Meladze
The second webinar “Moroccan market, a business and cultural approach for SME” took place on May 25th. Introduction to the Moroccan market and its business opportunities with focus on IT and food sector was presented by Mr. Said Chafik, head of the Support and Promotion Department at the Chamber of commerce of Tetouan and Director of the Higher School of Commerce in Tetouan and the Mediterranean Specialized Institute of Management. In the second part of the webinar Mr. Adel Charradi, Ambassador of AUMENTA in Morocco and Business manager in the Athisa Group International and Coordinator of a nonprofit association “Granada International” introduced all the attendees to the cultural approach when doing business in Morocco.
“Punctuality in Morocco is not necessarily considered a virtue. However, being on time for meetings is important, although you may have to wait.”– Mr. Adel Charradi
“Morocco offers an enabling environment for investment in different sectors. Morocco is classified in the ranking of the most competitive economics in the Region, presenting very attractive conditions for national and foreign investors.” – Mr. Said Chafik
The third webinar “URUGUAY – Strategic Gateway to Latin America” took place on June 28th. In the webinar country overview with business and collaboration opportunities were presented by María Inés Mailhos, economist at CPA Ferrere (Uruguay). Delivered to the online event participants were tips and tricks on how to better enter Uruguay market, as well the cultural features which play a big role when doing business there.
“ Three golden rules that has to be considered when starting to do business in Uruguay: 1) Value to use Uruguay as a gateway to Latin America. 2) Combination of strong institutions and the history of respect for political, social, economic freedom, ensures a stable framework. 3) Human relations often plan an important role.” -Maria Ines Mailhos
This article is part of the project AUMENTA that was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme.
* The content of this article represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.
Introduction to the 3 target markets and their opportunities
One of the project AUMENTA aims is to augment business and cooperation opportunities with strategic partners in third countries beyond Europe and facilitate their integration into global value chains. To fulfil this aim, three online webinars were hold to increase the overall knowledge about the projects target countries – Georgia, Morocco, and Uruguay. Experts from these countries shared inside information about the local business characteristics and export opportunities in their country.
The first webinar “Georgia – market insights and opportunities for SMEs” took place on March 2nd. Giving the inside point of view, which is always the best source for useful information, was the Gateway & Partners managing partner M.Tiknuss and Gateway & Partners Georgia CEO Gvantsa Meladze. In the webinar methodologies on how to do the business with Georgians were explained, as well emphasis was put on food retail and trade overview, and ICT industry trends in the country.
“Georgia business culture is becoming closer to the European, even in Georgia they do not switch to the summertime in order to be closer to European working hours. Business relations sometimes stay informal and trust-based, mostly face-to-face meetings are preferred, but this is changing due to pandemic situation.” – Gvantsa Meladze
The second webinar “Moroccan market, a business and cultural approach for SME” took place on May 25th. Introduction to the Moroccan market and its business opportunities with focus on IT and food sector was presented by Mr. Said Chafik, head of the Support and Promotion Department at the Chamber of commerce of Tetouan and Director of the Higher School of Commerce in Tetouan and the Mediterranean Specialized Institute of Management. In the second part of the webinar Mr. Adel Charradi, Ambassador of AUMENTA in Morocco and Business manager in the Athisa Group International and Coordinator of a nonprofit association “Granada International” introduced all the attendees to the cultural approach when doing business in Morocco.
“Punctuality in Morocco is not necessarily considered a virtue. However, being on time for meetings is important, although you may have to wait.”– Mr. Adel Charradi
“Morocco offers an enabling environment for investment in different sectors. Morocco is classified in the ranking of the most competitive economics in the Region, presenting very attractive conditions for national and foreign investors.” – Mr. Said Chafik
The third webinar “URUGUAY – Strategic Gateway to Latin America” took place on June 28th. In the webinar country overview with business and collaboration opportunities were presented by María Inés Mailhos, economist at CPA Ferrere (Uruguay). Delivered to the online event participants were tips and tricks on how to better enter Uruguay market, as well the cultural features which play a big role when doing business there.
“Three golden rules that has to be considered when starting to do business in Uruguay: 1) Value to use Uruguay as a gateway to Latin America. 2) Combination of strong institutions and the history of respect for political, social, economic freedom, ensures a stable framework. 3) Human relations often plan an important role.” – Maria Ines Mailhos
This article is part of the project AUMENTA that was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme.
* The content of this article represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains
Uruguay as strategic gateway to Latin America
We are inviting all SMEs with interest in expanding their business to Latin America to join the webinar “Uruguay – strategic gateway to Latin America” on June 28th, 15:00 CET. The online event is organized within the AUMENTA project co-funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme.
15:00 – 15:15 Welcome and introduction
15:15 – 15:30 Uruguay as a strategic gate to Latin America. Country overview and market insights.
15:30 –16:00 Business, innovation and collaboration opportunities for food and ICT sector
16:00 – 16:15 Doing business in Uruguay – practical tips and recommendations
16:15 – 16:30 Questions and answers session (Q&A)
Mr. Héctor Enrique Goñi – Ambassador of the AUMENTA project in Uruguay
Mrs. Katarzyna Kowalska – President of UNIMOS Alliance
Morocco, a business and cultural approach for SMEs
We invite you on May 25th 14:00 CET to join the online masterclass “Morocco, a business and cultural approach for SMEs”.
The webinar will be focused on the singularity of the Moroccan market and the business possibilities for European food and IT companies. The event will be held in English or translated from Spanish to English.
14:00 – 14:10 Introduction
14:10 – 14:30 Moroccan market: general approach and specific focus to IT and food sector. Presented by Mr. Adel Charradi, Ambassador of AUMENTA in Morocco
14:30 – 15:15 Moroccan market: business and cultural approach for SMEs. Presentation with provided translation into English. Presented by Mr. Said Chafik, Head of the Support and Promotion Department at the Chamber of commerce of Tetouan and Director of the Higher School of Commerce in Tetouan and the Mediterranean Specialized Institute of Management.
15:15 – 15:35 Questions and Answers session
To apply for the event, please get registered in the following form: https://forms.gle/gcag3cyYiGUsskrq6
Link to the event will be sent out via e-mail to all the registrants.
The online event is organized under AUMENTA project which is co-funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme.
* The content of this article represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.
Market insights and opportunities in Georgia
On March 2nd, 2021, AUMENTA project team collaborated with Gateway & Partners to organize online webinar “Georgia – market insights and opportunities”. With aim to inform interested SME’s (SMALL and MEDIUM ENTERPRISES) about possibilities and trade overview in Georgia, as well giving insight on ITC industry newest trends.
First presenter, Martins Tiknuss, managing partner of Gateway & Partners, explained export support options that company offers, and first steps that are very useful and need to be done when starting to expand your business abroad. Continuing useful tips and tricks on Georgia export market, Gateway & Partners Georgia CEO Gvantsa Meladze, emphasized on what is important on doing business with Georgians, explaining ITC industry and newest trends. As few of the many pros on doing business in Georgia Gvantsa Meladze mentioned: “There is an emerging ICT community in Georgia that is ready to reach EU markets. Attractive and free business environment makes doing business in Georgia easy. Georgia has its strengths in cloud computing, database activities, process optimization, software development, technical support and hardware development. Of course, there are ICT sector weaknesses, but they are being improved day by day.”
This was first online workshop organized by AUMENTA, and it will be followed by similar webinars about other target countries Morocco and Uruguay. Project AUMENTA goal is to speed up network internationalization of food, ICT Industry and SMEs from projects participating countries towards strategic third countries beyond Europe in field of emerging industries and Fast Moving Consumer Goods. By widening borders project partners hope that the project will create new long lasting and qualitative collaborations and increase export in Georgia and other target markets.
Project is co-funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme.
* The content of this article represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains
Georgia – market insights and opportunities.
On March 2nd, 2021, AUMENTA project team collaborated with Gateway & Partners to organize online webinar “Georgia – market insights and opportunities”. With aim to inform interested SME’s (SMALL and MEDIUM ENTERPRISES) about possibilities and trade overview in Georgia, as well giving insight on ITC industry newest trends.
First presenter, Martins Tiknuss, managing partner of Gateway & Partners, explained export support options that company offers, and first steps that are very useful and need to be done when starting to expand your business abroad. Continuing useful tips and tricks on Georgia export market, Gateway & Partners Georgia CEO Gvantsa Meladze, emphasized on what is important on doing business with Georgians, explaining ITC industry and newest trends. As few of the many pros on doing business in Georgia Gvantsa Meladze mentioned: “There is an emerging ICT community in Georgia that is ready to reach EU markets. Attractive and free business environment makes doing business in Georgia easy. Georgia has its strengths in cloud computing, database activities, process optimization, software development, technical support and hardware development. Of course, there are ICT sector weaknesses, but they are being improved day by day.”
This was first online workshop organized by AUMENTA, and it will be followed by similar webinars about other target countries Morocco and Uruguay. Project AUMENTA goal is to speed up network internationalization of food, ICT Industry and SMEs from projects participating countries towards strategic third countries beyond Europe in field of emerging industries and Fast Moving Consumer Goods. By widening borders project partners hope that the project will create new long lasting and qualitative collaborations and increase export in Georgia and other target markets.
Project is co-funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme.
* The content of this article represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.
The Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) of European Commission has signed grant agreement with the five-partner consortium, where Latvian IT Cluster is coordinator, for funding five Clusters of cross-sectorial co-operation Project: „Speeding up network internationalization of food, ICT Industry 4.0 clusters and their SMEs towards strategic third countries beyond Europe in field of emerging industries and Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG 4.0)” or “AUMENTA” implementation, in the frame of European Union’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) competitiveness program “COSME”.
The Project implementation started on 1st of September 2020 and its duration is 18 months. The Project’s overall aim is to implement and test joint internationalization strategy aimed at supporting SMEs to identify growth opportunities worldwide, increase the internationalisation of SMEs, augment business and cooperation opportunities with strategic partners in third countries beyond Europe and facilitate their integration into global value chains.
Project budget:
Grant amount: EUR 446 461.00
Total budget: EUR 496 070.19
Lead partner (Coordinator):
Latvian IT Cluster
Project partners:
Food Products Quality Cluster represented by Latvian Federation of Food Companies
SMART food cluster represented by Lithuanian Food exporters association
Built upon successful implementation of ESCP S3 partnership DIGICLUSTERS, AUMENTA is a novel and interdisciplinary project that takes European SMEs to the next level and boost their internationalization beyond Europe by intensifing cluster and business network collaboration, establishing ‘European Strategic Cluster Partnership-Going International’ (ESCP-4i) and implementing & testing joint internationalization strategy.
The project interconnects of five relevant and complementary partners from four countries (ES, PL, LT, LV) uniting high technology clusters (ICT/ Industry 4.0) with traditional sectors (food) towards jointly and consciously selected third countries beyond Europe:
> Morocco – as a strategic gate to North African/ South-Mediterranean (MEDA) markets;
> Georgia – as a strategic gate to Caucasus & post-URSS markets;
> Uruguay – as a strategic gate to Latin American markets
to lead international cluster cooperation in field of emerging industries:
> Food 4.0.
> Industry 4.0 applied to agrofood industry
> Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG 4.0) and development of international commerce and eCommerce.
By implementation of pioneering X-Industry Internationalization Programme, AUMENTA will support European SMEs in their fast internationalization to three continents, creating new cooperation and business opportunities to support growth, jobs and wealth.
This article is part of the project AUMENTA that was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme.
The project is co-funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme
* The content of this article represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.
PROJECT No. 874389
The Grand Agreement was signed on 16/12/2019 by Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) under the powers delegated by the European Commission and ASSOCIACIO CLUSTER DEL PACKAGING (PACK CLUSTER), and the following other beneficiaries: ASSOCIACIO DEL CLUSTER FOODSERVICEDE CATALUNYA (FOODSERVICE), BUSINESS UPPER AUSTRIA – OO WIRTSCHAFTSAGENTUR GMBH (BIZ-UP/Food), Food Products Quality Cluster represented by Latvian Federation of Food Companies (LFFC/FPQC), SMART food cluster represented by Lithuanian Food exporters association (LITMEA/SFC). The grant is awarded for the action entitled ‘Safe Smart Food’.
The project aims to strengthen the collaboration between clusters and improve their management capacity to create the conditions of a favourable ecosystem in the food and packaging sector to boost innovation, competitiveness and internationalization of SMEs and to offer to the cluster’s SMEs an integrated program of services based on excellence.
The project aims to:
SO1. Improve and strengthen clusters management capacities and skills towards cluster excellence defining an integrated training and learning program facilitating the upgrade of their Cluster Excellence Level.
SO2. Define and implement a program of services based on excellence to the cluster’s members with the aim to improve competitiveness, innovation and internationalization of SMEs, giving answer to the needs of SMEs.
SO3. Develop and implement a comprehensive individually cluster strategy with the aim to work through the excellence, strengthening cluster capacity and supporting the growth and competitiveness of their members
SO4. Develop and implement a common strategy and define a roadmap to facilitate the collaboration of the consortium for a long term. The common strategy will facilitate the collaboration of the consortium to operate together at European level at both commercial and non-commercial level (investment, permanent improvement, best practices, etc.).
SO5. Strengthen networking among the consortium and their members through the organisation and participation in B2B, C2C, and matchmaking and networking events.
SO6. Include a multi-stakeholder’s perspective and multi-sectorial approach to address the main sector’ challenges involving main stakeholders and end-consumers among and beyond the consortium, involving them in the definition of the cluster strategy and collaboration and networking events.
SO7. Contribute to rise-awareness on the clusters activities and COSME Excellence program disseminating the project results and objectives achieved.
SO8. Promote the exchanges of best practices, know-how and lessons learned to replicate and capitalize the project activities.
SO9. Support interregional cooperation among clusters and SMEs based on smart specialisation priorities linked to the food and packaging sector defined by regional and national government to achieve a more competitive and sustainable food system.
Project duration: The duration of the action will be 20 months as of 03/02/2020
The project is funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme.
“ESCP S3 for speeding up industrial modernization of Agrofood packaging sectors towards Industry 4.0 and digital transformation by Cluster-Facilitated X-Industry Hackathons —DIGICLUSTERS”
PROJECT No. 822095
In March 18th, 2019 the project partner representatives took part in the project management team meeting and study visit in Kaunas, Lithuania.
The purpose of the visit is to:
Discuss basic aspects of project implementation
- Sign a partnership agreement;
- To discuss about the progress of implementation of the project activities
- To study from best practices of implementing local Hackathons
Intensive meetings with project partners, debates, discussions and group work will facilitate to share best practice and experiences on the implementation activities who will help to reach the final project goal.
During the visit, the representatives of the project partner institutions will have the opportunity to be a part of Baltic Cluster Forum 2019. According that BALTIC CLUSTER FORUM 2019 this year is officially included in EU Cluster Weeks initiative and will focus on one of the key factors to ensure growth and success in the future clusters: innovation. During the conference, variety of local and foreign experts will provide best practices to start, promote and sustain innovation process, reveal the significance of international and cross-sectoral partnerships in fuelling innovation engine. So the project partner representatives will have good opportunity to spread the information of our implementing project and its activities.
Taking part in the visit is a part of Latvian IT Cluster (LITC) administrated project “ESCP S3 for speeding up industrial modernization of Agrofood packaging sectors towards Industry 4.0 and digital transformation by Cluster-Facilitated X-Industry Hackathons —DIGICLUSTERS”.
This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union.
The content of this publication represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.
Project “ESCP S3 for speeding up industrial modernization of Agrofood packaging sectors towards Industry 4.0 and digital transformation by Cluster-Facilitated X-Industry Hackathons —DIGICLUSTERS”
Project No. 822095
Project‘s Coodinator: Latvian IT Cluster (LITC)
Project‘s Beneficiaries: AgroBioCluster represented by Foundation UNIMOS (UNIMOS/ABC), Food Products Quality Cluster represented by Latvian Federation of Food Companies (LFFC/FPQC), OnGranada Tech City (ON GRANADA), SMART food cluster represented by Lithuanian Food exporters association (LITMEA/SFC), Association of Lithuanian Printing Industries (LISPA), Lithuanian Innovation Center (LIC).
Project duration: The duration of the action will be 18 months as of 01/10/2018
The project is co-funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme.
“ESCP S3 for speeding up industrial modernization of Agrofood packaging sectors towards Industry 4.0 and digital transformation by Cluster-Facilitated X-Industry Hackathons —DIGICLUSTERS”
PROJECT No. 822095
The Grand Agreement was signed on 01/10/2018 by Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) under the powers delegated by the European Commission and Latvian IT Cluster (LITC), and the following other beneficiaries: AgroBioCluster represented by Foundation UNIMOS (UNIMOS/ABC), Food Products Quality Cluster represented by Latvian Federation of Food Companies (LFFC/FPQC), OnGranada Tech City (ON GRANADA), SMART food cluster represented by Lithuanian Food exporters association (LITMEA/SFC), Association of Lithuanian Printing Industries (LISPA), Lithuanian Innovation Center (LIC). The grant is awarded for the action entitled ‘ESCP S3 for speeding up industrial modernization of agrofood packaging sectors towards Industry 4.0 and digital transformation by Cluster-Facilitated X-Industry Hackathons — DIGICLUSTERS’.
The main objectives of the DIGICLUSTERs project are:
- To support setting-up the European Strategic Cluster Partnership for smart specialization investments (ESCP-S3)
- To foster the collaboration between enterprises, especially SMEs and their interactions with technology centers within the cluster and across regional and sectoral silos towards generating joint actions and investment projects in common smart specialisation priority areas linked to industrial modernisation and to help improving their business environment
- To speed up industrial modernization by bringing together clusters, regional authorities and technology centers and facilitate the generation of a pipeline of joint collaboration and innovation projects
- To implement joint activities with a view to mobilise interregional collaboration and investments of industry actors, notably SMEs, and provide related business, technology and growth support services
- To strengthen and facilitate linkages between clusters, technology centers and regional authorities in order to link specialized ecosystem and create favorable environment for innovations to accelerate industrial modernization
- To entrepreneurially discover new and strategic forms of interregional cooperation between and B2B with European partners to help SMEs incorporate new technologies and digital innovations and trigger collaboration aimed at joint investments
- To improve the visibility of the consortium, its partners and affiliates at European level, building and shaping positive image of involved clusters, SMEs, technology centers and regional governments
Project duration: The duration of the action will be 18 months as of 01/10/2018
The project is funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme.