Smart Food Cluster
Smart Food Cluster is a food cluster managed by Lithuanian food exporters association (LitMEA).
A cluster consists of food industry companies representing individual industry sectors in domestic and foreign markets, not acting like direct competitors to one another, and creating possibilities for mutual trust and cooperation.
Smart Food Cluster is also a member of the Eastern European food clusters network (
EEfood clusters network members are Food products quality cluster (Latvia), SMART food cluster/Lithuanian food exporters association LitMEA (Lithuania), Ukrainian Food Valley, Ukrainian Organic cluster and UNIMOS (Poland) representing AgroBioCluster.
The cooperation priorities of the cluster’s members:
• Full cooperation participating in the exhibitions abroad, providing with information and other assistance to each other;
• Cooperation with Lithuanian institutions, supervising the food sector export issues;
• Participation in joint export promotion projects with other associates and business structures;
• Co-operation in finding new partners in foreign markets, exchange of mutually beneficial information;
• Joint marketing tools and common dissemination of information about the cluster members, focused on targeted partner search;
• Cooperation for development of functional, innovative food products and beverages, the presence of corporate technologists and research institutions.
Mission – to help cluster members to enhance competitiveness in foreign markets, bringing together the capabilities of the companies, competencies and contacts.